Help write the next chapter for a cleaner planet with Bottle 2 Pen. The world’s first pen made from upcycled bottles. B2P’s unique, bottle-shaped design is created from up to 89% recycled materials and is 100% refillable. Available in three eco-friendly styles, B2P will always help you express your thoughts smoothly, cleanly and in a way that’s good for the environment.
B2P Gel Roller
Filled with the same long-lasting gel ink as G2, so you don’t have to sacrifice smooth, effortless writing to make a greener choice

Ink Colors Available
B2P Colors Gel Roller
Go green with 7 eco-friendly colors of unique, bottle-shaped pens that are filled with matching G2 gel ink

Ink Colors Available
B2P Ball Point
Get the recycled pen that writes smoothly and responsibly with five, smear-resistant colors of ball point ink

Ink Colors Available